Work With Faith
Generate New Poems -- Choose your own start date. I provide thirty days of writing exercises designed to help you generate fresh work. I offer feedback and editorial suggestions on ten poems as well as suggestions about reading materials, workshops, and presses. $250
Full Poetry Manuscript Review -- Send your complete unpublished poetry manuscript for help with arrangement and editing. I include suggestions about which presses and contests would be a good match for your work. $500
Twenty Poems Edited -- Send twenty poems for feedback and editing. I include a list of journals that would be a good match as well as a list of poets and books on craft to enhance your practice. $300
Writing Coach -- For clients working on memoir, nonfiction essays, poetry manuscripts, or YA novels I can provide coaching that includes: feedback on each chapter (or poem) as you write, half hour conferences in person or by Zoom to unpack your progress, and exercises that will help you generate new work. $100 per edited chapter (or ten poems of a poetry manuscript), includes a half hour conference.
Ghostwriting -- I am available for a limited number of ghostwriting projects each year. Prices vary depending on length. Send details if you think I may be a match for your voice or story.